Immunodeficiency Canada endorses Health Canada recommendation to get a flu shot

Getting the flu shot is your best defense against the flu. It is a safe and effective way to protect you and those around you, and helps to avoid doctor’s visits and unnecessary testing for COVID-19 during the ongoing pandemic.

It’s important to note that the flu shot will not protect you from COVID-19 – you should still wear a mask, wash your hands frequently and maintain physical distancing from others.

Protect yourself. Protect your loved ones. Get your flu shot!

Where to get your flu shot

Immunoglobulin Replacement Therapy Guidelines

Immunodeficiency Canada assembled a team of Immunologists from across Canada’s diagnosis and treatment centers to develop guidelines for Immunoglobulin Replacement Therapy. With their experience and knowledge this team produced guidelines published in Lymphosign Journal, September 2017.  It is now the standard for diagnostic and treatment centres of Primary Immunodeficiency across Canada.

“Immunodeficiency Canada has a direct impact in the care and treatment of patients with Primary Immunodeficiency.  Through our network of Immunologists, we brought the expertise together to provide the best treatments for patients based on science.” 

National Immunoglobulin Replacement Expert Committee Guidelines

Newborn Screening for SCID

Immunodeficiency Canada, a pioneer in bringing newborn screening for SCID to Canada. In 2013, Ontario was the first province to test for SCID (Severe Combined Immunodeficiency).

“This is a monumental triumph to children born with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) and their families. Newborn screening will detect this problem early before complications develop, and allow for prompt life-saving interventions such as bone marrow transplantation. Usually the diagnosis of SCID is either missed or delayed until the age of 6-12 months of age, after patients suffer from severe and recurrent infections, and sometimes irreversible damage to organs such as the lungs. Newborn screening for SCID will no doubt save many lives and prevent suffering of children.”
Professor Chaim M. Roifman, CM, MD, FRCPC
Chair, Immunodeficiency Canada

Latest Province to implement Newborn Screening for SCID – B.C. and Yukon

Read More

LymphoSign Journal

The official journal of Immunodeficiency Canada. LymphoSign Journal publishes novel clinical, translational, and basic research in the fields of immunology, gastroenterology, neurology, dermatology, rheumatology, hematology, and infectious disease. The aim of the journal is to provide a forum for clinicians and scientists to discuss clinical observations, therapies, and insights into underlying disease mechanisms in immune disorders including immune deficiencies, auto-inflammatory disorders, allergy, bone marrow failure, and lymphoid malignancies. Special consideration will be given, but is not limited to, articles exploring adaptive and innate immunity, mucosal immunity, signal transduction, lymphocyte development and cell death, genomic medicine, gene regulation, DNA repair, and cell cytoskeletal networks. LymphoSign Journal publishes peer-reviewed original research articles, reviews, clinical trials, case reports, novel mutations, and imaging, as well as practice guidelines, algorithms, and protocols.

Family Day - Toronto Kids Event
2016 ImmunoCDA 5K
2016 Baden Cup
Ethan chats with Hon. Deb Matthews
Boy's Climb
Joy for Japreet
Participants at Alberta's Kids Picnic
Dr. Thomas Issekutz Dalhousie University
Julian's Journey - Charity Poker Tournament 2018
Family Day Toronto 2018
Family Day 2019
2016 Marathon Team
2016 Baden Cup
Ethan chats with the Hon. Deb Matthews Photo by Graham Lanktree, Metro
Boy's Climb
Winners of sCID Lightning Talks
Joy for Japreet
Kids Picnic
Charity Poker Tournament 2018
Kids Picnic 2019
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