Alastair Fund

The Alastair Fund created in memory of Alastair MacKay, provides emergency financial assistance to families in need with a child in hospital.
Alastair’s Story | Donate to Alastair’s Fund | To access the fund
In honour of Brooklyn Peters Memorial

The Brooklyn Peters Memorial was created by Lori and Jason Peters in honour of their daughter Brooklyn who died from the most severe form of Primary Immunodeficiency called SCID.
Brooklyn’s Story | Donate to the Brooklyn Peters Memorial
Ferrante Family – Julian’s Journey

The Ferrante Family – Julian’s Journey donations celebrate a healthy and very brave boy who was treated at the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children for his Primary Immunodeficiency. The Ferrante Family donations help and support others.
Julian’s Story | Donate to Julian’s Journey | Julian’s own website
Henri McKinney

The Henri McKinney donations celebrate a healthy thriving boy who received life saving treatment for his Primary Immunodeficiency. The Henri McKinney donations help others.
Donate to the Henri McKinney Fund
In honour of Japreet’s Art Scholarship

Japreet’s Art Scholarship is a memorial fund created to help children born with a Primary Immunodeficiency.
Japreet’s Story | Donate to the Japreet’s Art Scholarship
Sarah & Israel Opatovsky

Immunodeficiency Canada is honoured that the Roifman Family has chosen our organization to benefit from the establishment of the Sarah & Israel Opatovsky Fund for the purpose of educational resources on Immunity and Autoimmunity disease.